LinkChecker 10.3.0

LinkChecker comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Look at the file `COPYING' within this distribution.

Start checking at 2023-10-02 11:13:27+000

URL `'
Name`FFIEC Geocoder/Mapping System'
Parent URL, line 703, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time0.288 seconds
ResultError: 403 Forbidden

URL `'
Name`EVGeoCloud - Mexico'
Parent URL, line 833, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time0.485 seconds
ResultError: 401 Unauthorized

URL `'
Parent URL, line 729, col 17
Real URL
Check time2.130 seconds
InfoRedirected to `' status: 301 Moved Permanently.
WarningRate limited (Retry-After: None)
ResultValid: 429 Too Many Requests

URL `'
Name`Dept. of Education Quick Guide'
Parent URL, line 555, col 87
Real URL
Check time1.720 seconds
WarningLeading or trailing whitespace in URL ` '.
ResultValid: 200 OK

URL `'
Name`NSF: Directorate faculty examples'
Parent URL, line 488, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time1.702 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Parent URL, line 635, col 9 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time1.005 seconds
ResultError: 401 Authorization Required

URL `'
Parent URL, line 527, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time2.068 seconds
InfoRedirected to `' status: 302 Moved Temporarily.
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Name`tutorial (here)'
Parent URL, line 388, col 134 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time1.650 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Name`NASA-Funded Research Results'
Parent URL, line 425, col 4 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time3.515 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Parent URL, line 409, col 626 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time3.230 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Parent URL, line 410, col 603 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time3.424 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Name`Register Here'
Parent URL, line 402, col 104 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time2.247 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Name`Register Here'
Parent URL, line 402, col 105 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time2.317 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Name`CATalyst Studios'
Parent URL, line 426, col 197 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time31.627 seconds
ResultError: ReadTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=30)

URL `'
Parent URL, line 523, col 43 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time3.649 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Name`Interactive dashboard'
Parent URL, line 675, col 4 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time2.813 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

Content types: 144 image, 1049 text, 0 video, 0 audio, 58 application, 18 mail and 39 other.
URL lengths: min=17, max=1528, avg=71.

That's it. 1308 links checked. 2 warnings found. 14 errors found.
Stopped checking at 2023-10-02 11:16:57+000 (3 minutes, 30 seconds)

LinkChecker 10.3.0, Copyright © 2000-2016 Bastian Kleineidam, 2010-2023 LinkChecker Authors
Read the documentation at
Write comments and bugs to