LinkChecker 10.4.0

LinkChecker comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Look at the file `COPYING' within this distribution.

Start checking at 2024-07-08 11:16:22+000

URL `'
Name`View Video'
Parent URL, line 471, col 42 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time7.089 seconds
ResultError: 403 Forbidden

URL `'
Name`View Video'
Parent URL, line 487, col 42 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time6.567 seconds
ResultError: 403 Forbidden

URL `'
Name`The Human Side of Data'
Parent URL, line 376, col 8 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time5.204 seconds
ResultError: 403 Forbidden

URL `'
Name`FFIEC Geocoder/Mapping System'
Parent URL, line 701, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time0.733 seconds
ResultError: 403 Forbidden

URL `'
Name`Disease Maps (USGS, CDC)'
Parent URL, line 638, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time1.060 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Parent URL, line 629, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time1.203 seconds
InfoRedirected to `' status: 301 Moved Permanently.
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Name`Sanborn Maps Geo Edition'
Parent URL, line 713, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time0.637 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Name`EVGeoCloud - Mexico'
Parent URL, line 831, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time0.265 seconds
ResultError: 401 Unauthorized

URL `'
Parent URL, line 604, col 398 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time30.124 seconds
ResultError: ConnectTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fb2f910d3f0>, 'Connection to timed...

URL `'
Parent URL, line 555, col 4 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time30.515 seconds
ResultError: ConnectTimeout: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /envirofacts/enviromapper/search (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fb2f910db40>, 'Connection to ...

URL `'
Name`PDF Format with Read Me'
Parent URL, line 606, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time30.681 seconds
ResultError: ConnectTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /p/surf_gis/list-federal-state-county-city-GIS-servers.pdf (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at...

URL `'
Name`Weekly Updating CSV'
Parent URL, line 607, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time30.844 seconds
ResultError: ConnectTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /p/surf_gis/list-federal-state-county-city-GIS-servers.csv (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at...

URL `'
Name`Figshare COVID-19 collection'
Parent URL, line 380, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time1.761 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Name`Export Control Program'
Parent URL, line 563, col 588 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time3.147 seconds
ResultError: 404 Unknown site

URL `'
Name`Human Subjects Protection Program'
Parent URL, line 393, col 5 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time1.532 seconds
ResultError: 404 Unknown site

URL `'
Name`Register now'
Parent URL, line 400, col 209 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time3.263 seconds
ResultError: 404 Unknown site

URL `'
Parent URL, line 396, col 262 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time0.520 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Name`annual bazaar'
Parent URL, line 375, col 13 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time1.102 seconds
InfoRedirected to `' status: 301 Moved Permanently.
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL ` Data Sharing Plan.docx'
Name`alt link'
Parent URL, line 607, col 189 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time30.663 seconds
ResultError: ConnectTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /web/20200711172000/ (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib...

URL `'
Name`View tutorial'
Parent URL, line 406, col 204 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time3.845 seconds
ResultError: 403 Forbidden

URL `'
Name`Maps of the Pimeria Alta'
Parent URL, line 390, col 4 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time30.973 seconds
ResultError: ConnectTimeout: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /pimeriamaps/ (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fb2f08e1b40>, 'Connection to parentseye...

URL `'
Parent URL, line 531, col 294 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time5.747 seconds
ResultError: ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /gdata (Caused by NameResolutionError("<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fb2f910c430>: Failed to resolve 'www.diva-gis.or...

URL `'
Parent URL, line 702, col 43 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time2.779 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Parent URL, line 8, col 5
Real URL
Check time5.775 seconds
WarningRate limited (Retry-After: None)
ResultValid: 429 Too Many Requests

URL `'
Parent URL, line 408, col 646 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time3.520 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Parent URL, line 409, col 618 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time3.053 seconds
ResultError: 404 Not Found

URL `'
Name`More information'
Parent URL, line 390, col 4 (HTML) (CSS)
Real URL
Check time3.651 seconds
InfoRedirected to `' status: 302 Found.
Redirected to `' status: 301 Moved Permanently.
ResultError: 404 Not Found

Content types: 191 image, 1223 text, 0 video, 0 audio, 173 application, 19 mail and 11 other.
URL lengths: min=17, max=1524, avg=123.

That's it. 1617 links checked. 1 warning found. 26 errors found.
Stopped checking at 2024-07-08 11:21:36+000 (5 minutes, 13 seconds)

LinkChecker 10.4.0, Copyright © 2000-2016 Bastian Kleineidam, 2010-2023 LinkChecker Authors
Read the documentation at
Write comments and bugs to