Instructor Notes

See the setup for important instructor notes on setting up the lesson and possible troubleshooting steps on installing VirtualBox.


Instructor Note

  • This lesson is basically a lecture. Make sure to set that expectation
  • Remind students that they’re not expected to remember everything. They’ll have a chance to do some hands-on later that might help clear up some questions.
  • Don’t forget to mention the glossary as reference material

Instructor Note

Lead off script: We’re all familiar with computers like Macs and PCs. They run an operating system like Windows or Mac, and we can run programs on that computer like web browsers and word processors. The operating system controls all of the physical resources.

Explain the diagram

  • Physical resources, and how the OS controls access to them
  • The VMM is a program that gets a slice of those resources and presents them as if they were physical resources to virtual machines
  • Define the relationship between the host and guest OS.
  • Use the concept of a computer-within-a-computer

Instructor Note

Might also want to mention these additional characteristics:

  • Containers can contain applications from various OSs like Linux or Windows, but containers based on Unix-like OSs (e.g., Linux) are the most common.
  • Containers are generally console based. If they have a graphical interface, the main way containers present it is via a web browser.
  • Software to create an manage containers is varied. Docker is the most popular one.

Virtual machines using VirtualBox

Instructor Note

Users may be prompted to use the Basic or Expert interface. Make sure students know what they see may not be exactly what is on your screen

Basics of Containers with Docker

Instructor Note

Instructors should feel free to add their own examples in the introduction, to help your learners appreciate the utility of containers. Providing your own use case of containers helps lend authenticity to the lesson.

Instructor Note

TODO: Anything the instructor should be aware of. Maybe here’s a point for an image of some sorts.

Instructor Note

The instructions included in the two episodes on containers assume that learners are using the virtual machines described in prior episodes. However, the following Docker instructions can all be run on any computer that has an internet connection and has Docker installed. You can find more information about installing Docker at the Carpentries’ Containers lesson.

Creating Containers with Docker

Instructor Note

TODO Anything instructors should be aware of for this episode?